Friday, April 20, 2012

Pee Wee's Bird Adventure! Days 1-3

LA la la... la la la la la la... When I hear the high-pitched whistle of a glittering, golden necked Allen's Hummingbird, the sound unearths me. I am a bird nerd. Here is an account of my bird adventure over spring break.
Day 1-3: Campground - Laguna/El Prado
Upon entering the Laguna/El Prado camp site, on Laguna Mountain near San Diego, we knew that the birding was going to be awesome! When we arrived, no less than 4 species greeted us. The camp site was spacious, with loads of evergreens and deciduous trees, 5000 feet above sea level, flush toilets, showers (closed during the winter), potable water, a little pond/lake (probably buggy in the Summer), and overall a pretty quiet campground.

Birds spotted in and near (cold stream trail-south of Cuyamaca Lake off the 79) our camp.
Western Bluejay                     Hairy Woodpecker                       (possibly) 
Stellar Jay                             Double-Crested Cormorant            Cassin's Kingbird
Common Raven                      California Quail                           Greater Peewee
Pygmy Nuthatch                     Red tailed Hawk
American Robin                     Brewer's Blackbird
Acorn Woodpecker                 Canadian Goose
Mountain Chickadee               Coot
Mallards                                Band-tailed Pigeon
European Starling                  White-Breasted Nuthatch

Day trip birding to SAN DIEGO: Elijo Lagoon
Whimbrel >
Red-winged blackbird
White Crowned Sparrow
< Least Tern
Snowy Egret
Green Heron (pretty sure)
- Spotted and CA
< Costa's Hummingbird 

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