Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Great Remember (for Nancy): Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers

Again the cheesy pictures, it's a lovely little ditty from Steve Martin's banjo band. So, if the picts are lame just listen to the lovely song.

Rare Sighting in the Backyard! Western Tanager

Western Tanager
Unbelievable to me: A rare sighting in my Orange, CA backyard, the Western Tanager flutters across my path for the second time.

My first sighting was in Yosemite about 8 years ago. Nieces in tow, hunting for bugs, birds, and plants, I spotted a Tanager in our campground just outside of Yosemite. It is one of the birds responsible for my, annoying to others, addiction.

Breeds further north than any other member of its tropical family.

The red color on its face is rare in birds. The color is not manufactured by the Tanager, but rather from its diet of insects that eat plants with the pigment.

Backyard Tourist! Red-Billed Quelea

Unexpected and cool sighting! Meet the Red-billed Quelea, from Kenya! This wondrous little lady was in my backyard on May 9, 2012. My son said, "maybe it's a finch that got into some Hot Cheetos." Giggling ensued. Being the ever faithful birder that I am, I checked. My certainty that it was this lovely little visitor is at 99%.  So... Orange, CA welcomes you lady Red-billed Quelea. I can't help but think you are an escapee from someone's collection, but I'm glad you found refuge in my backyard. 


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More about the birds: Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch
Seem to defy gravity when hopping up and down tree trunks, whacking gathered nuts against tree bark, and tittering away, nuthatch are some of the cutest and coziest little birds in NA. 

White-breasted Nuthatch will buddy up with other small bird species, such as chickadees and titmice, to form foraging flocks.

Pygmy Nuthatch have never been spotted roosting alone. They cuddle with other Pygmy, up to 100 in one cavity! So cute and sweet, I'm definitely going to need a trip to the dentist after learning this fun fact.

COLLECTIVE NOUNS: known as a "jar" of nuthatch.

Pygmy Nuthatch
Click here to learn loads more! This link will take you to a video of a White-breasted Nuthatch hopping up and down a tree. Click around the site to learn more fun facts.